35 lines
923 B
35 lines
923 B
# Pendora Box
This too has several functions:
* Keep your pentesting scripts, binaries hosted on Github up-to-date.
* Listen on HTTP or SMB to easily share your files to the victims
## To-Do
* `chmod +x` :)
* Only update once per day, except if `-u` `--update`
* Adding more services to listen to ?
## Dependencies
* requests python module
* impacket smbserver.py must be in PATH
## Usage
[Create a Github personal access token](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token), and create the file `credz.json`:
"username": "DwightSchrute",
`python pendora-box.py`
## Adding a file to track
Simply add the informations to [config.json](./config.json), for a release set "local_version" to a random value and run the script.
The file is gonna be automatically downloaded.