
392 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Synced Synapse. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.xbmc.kore.service.library;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.ApiCallback;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.ApiList;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.HostConnection;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.method.VideoLibrary;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.type.ListType;
import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.type.VideoType;
import org.xbmc.kore.provider.MediaContract;
import org.xbmc.kore.utils.LogUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class SyncTVShows extends SyncItem {
public static final String TAG = LogUtils.makeLogTag(SyncTVShows.class);
private static final int LIMIT_SYNC_TVSHOWS = 200;
private final int hostId;
private final int tvshowId;
private final Bundle syncExtras;
* Syncs all the TVShows on selected XBMC to the local database
* @param hostId XBMC host id
public SyncTVShows(final int hostId, Bundle syncExtras) {
this.hostId = hostId;
this.tvshowId = -1;
this.syncExtras = syncExtras;
* Syncs a specific TVShow to the local database
* @param hostId XBMC host id
* @param tvshowId Show to sync
public SyncTVShows(final int hostId, final int tvshowId, Bundle syncExtras) {
this.hostId = hostId;
this.tvshowId = tvshowId;
this.syncExtras = syncExtras;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getDescription() {
return (tvshowId != -1) ?
"Sync TV shows for host: " + hostId :
"Sync TV show " + tvshowId + " for host: " + hostId;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getSyncType() {
return (tvshowId == -1) ? LibrarySyncService.SYNC_ALL_TVSHOWS
: LibrarySyncService.SYNC_SINGLE_TVSHOW;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Bundle getSyncExtras() {
return syncExtras;
private final static String getTVShowsProperties[] = {
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.TITLE, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.GENRE,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.RATING, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.PLOT,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.STUDIO, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.MPAA,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.CAST, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.PLAYCOUNT,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.EPISODE, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.IMDBNUMBER,
//VideoType.FieldsTVShow.VOTES, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.LASTPLAYED,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.FANART, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.THUMBNAIL,
//VideoType.FieldsTVShow.ORIGINALTITLE, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.SORTTITLE,
// VideoType.FieldsTVShow.EPISODEGUIDE, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.SEASON,
VideoType.FieldsTVShow.WATCHEDEPISODES, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.DATEADDED,
//VideoType.FieldsTVShow.TAG, VideoType.FieldsTVShow.ART
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void sync(final SyncOrchestrator orchestrator,
final HostConnection hostConnection,
final Handler callbackHandler,
final ContentResolver contentResolver) {
if (tvshowId == -1) {
syncAllTVShows(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler, contentResolver,
0, new ArrayList<VideoType.DetailsTVShow>());
} else {
VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails action =
new VideoLibrary.GetTVShowDetails(tvshowId, getTVShowsProperties);
action.execute(hostConnection, new ApiCallback<VideoType.DetailsTVShow>() {
public void onSuccess(VideoType.DetailsTVShow result) {
deleteTVShows(contentResolver, hostId, tvshowId);
List<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> tvShows = new ArrayList<>(1);
insertTVShows(tvShows, contentResolver);
chainSyncSeasons(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler,
contentResolver, tvShows, 0);
// insertTVShows calls syncItemFinished
public void onError(int errorCode, String description) {
// Ok, something bad happend, just quit
orchestrator.syncItemFailed(errorCode, description);
}, callbackHandler);
* Syncs all the TV shows, calling itself recursively
* Uses the {@link VideoLibrary.GetTVShows} version with limits to make sure
* that Kodi doesn't blow up, and calls itself recursively until all the
* shows are returned
private void syncAllTVShows(final SyncOrchestrator orchestrator,
final HostConnection hostConnection,
final Handler callbackHandler,
final ContentResolver contentResolver,
final int startIdx,
final List<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> allResults) {
// Call GetTVShows with the current limits set
ListType.Limits limits = new ListType.Limits(startIdx, startIdx + LIMIT_SYNC_TVSHOWS);
VideoLibrary.GetTVShows action = new VideoLibrary.GetTVShows(limits, getTVShowsProperties);
action.execute(hostConnection, new ApiCallback<ApiList<VideoType.DetailsTVShow>>() {
public void onSuccess(ApiList<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> result) {
if (SyncUtils.moreItemsAvailable(result.limits)) {
// Max limit returned, there may be some more movies
LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "syncAllTVShows: More tv shows on media center, recursing.");
syncAllTVShows(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler, contentResolver,
startIdx + LIMIT_SYNC_TVSHOWS, allResults);
} else {
// Ok, we have all the shows, insert them
LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "syncAllTVShows: Got all tv shows. Total: " + allResults.size());
deleteTVShows(contentResolver, hostId, -1);
insertTVShows(allResults, contentResolver);
chainSyncSeasons(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler,
contentResolver, allResults, 0);
public void onError(int errorCode, String description) {
// Ok, something bad happend, just quit
orchestrator.syncItemFailed(errorCode, description);
}, callbackHandler);
private void deleteTVShows(final ContentResolver contentResolver,
int hostId, int tvshowId) {
if (tvshowId == -1) {
LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Deleting all existing tv shows: ");
// Delete all tvshows
String where = MediaContract.TVShowsColumns.HOST_ID + "=?";
where, new String[]{String.valueOf(hostId)});
where, new String[]{String.valueOf(hostId)});
where, new String[]{String.valueOf(hostId)});
where, new String[]{String.valueOf(hostId)});
} else {
// Delete a specific tvshow
contentResolver.delete(MediaContract.Episodes.buildTVShowEpisodesListUri(hostId, tvshowId),
null, null);
contentResolver.delete(MediaContract.Seasons.buildTVShowSeasonsListUri(hostId, tvshowId),
null, null);
contentResolver.delete(MediaContract.TVShowCast.buildTVShowCastListUri(hostId, tvshowId),
null, null);
contentResolver.delete(MediaContract.TVShows.buildTVShowUri(hostId, tvshowId),
null, null);
private final static String seasonsProperties[] = {
VideoType.FieldsSeason.SEASON, VideoType.FieldsSeason.SHOWTITLE,
VideoType.FieldsSeason.FANART, VideoType.FieldsSeason.THUMBNAIL,
VideoType.FieldsSeason.TVSHOWID, VideoType.FieldsSeason.WATCHEDEPISODES,
* Sequentially syncs seasons for the tvshow specified, and on success recursively calls
* itself to sync the next tvshow on the list.
* This basically iterates through the tvshows list updating the seasons,
* in a sequential manner (defeating the parallel nature of host calls)
* After processing all tvshows on the list, starts the episode syncing
* @param orchestrator Orchestrator to call when finished
* @param hostConnection Host connection to use
* @param callbackHandler Handler on which to post callbacks
* @param contentResolver Content resolver
* @param tvShows TV shows list to get seasons to
* @param position Position of the tvshow on the list to process
private void chainSyncSeasons(final SyncOrchestrator orchestrator,
final HostConnection hostConnection,
final Handler callbackHandler,
final ContentResolver contentResolver,
final List<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> tvShows,
final int position) {
if (position < tvShows.size()) {
// Process this tvshow
final VideoType.DetailsTVShow tvShow = tvShows.get(position);
VideoLibrary.GetSeasons action = new VideoLibrary.GetSeasons(tvShow.tvshowid, seasonsProperties);
action.execute(hostConnection, new ApiCallback<List<VideoType.DetailsSeason>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<VideoType.DetailsSeason> result) {
insertSeason(tvShow.tvshowid, result, contentResolver);
// Sync the next tv show
chainSyncSeasons(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler,
contentResolver, tvShows, position + 1);
public void onError(int errorCode, String description) {
// Ok, something bad happend, just quit
orchestrator.syncItemFailed(errorCode, description);
}, callbackHandler);
} else {
// We've processed all tvshows, start episode syncing
chainSyncEpisodes(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler,
contentResolver, tvShows, 0);
private final static String getEpisodesProperties[] = {
VideoType.FieldsEpisode.TITLE, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.PLOT,
VideoType.FieldsEpisode.WRITER, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.FIRSTAIRED,
VideoType.FieldsEpisode.PLAYCOUNT, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.RUNTIME,
VideoType.FieldsEpisode.FANART, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.THUMBNAIL,
VideoType.FieldsEpisode.TVSHOWID, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.DATEADDED,
//VideoType.FieldsEpisode.UNIQUEID, VideoType.FieldsEpisode.ART
* Sequentially syncs episodes for the tvshow specified, and on success recursively calls
* itself to sync the next tvshow on the list.
* This basically iterates through the tvshows list updating the episodes,
* in a sequential manner (defeating the parallel nature of host calls)
* @param orchestrator Orchestrator to call when finished
* @param hostConnection Host connection to use
* @param callbackHandler Handler on which to post callbacks
* @param contentResolver Content resolver
* @param tvShows TV shows list to get episodes to
* @param position Position of the tvshow on the list to process
private void chainSyncEpisodes(final SyncOrchestrator orchestrator,
final HostConnection hostConnection,
final Handler callbackHandler,
final ContentResolver contentResolver,
final List<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> tvShows,
final int position) {
if (position < tvShows.size()) {
VideoType.DetailsTVShow tvShow = tvShows.get(position);
VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes action = new VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes(tvShow.tvshowid, getEpisodesProperties);
action.execute(hostConnection, new ApiCallback<List<VideoType.DetailsEpisode>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<VideoType.DetailsEpisode> result) {
insertEpisodes(result, contentResolver);
chainSyncEpisodes(orchestrator, hostConnection, callbackHandler,
contentResolver, tvShows, position + 1);
public void onError(int errorCode, String description) {
// Ok, something bad happend, just quit
orchestrator.syncItemFailed(errorCode, description);
}, callbackHandler);
} else {
// We're finished
LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Sync tv shows finished successfully");
public void insertTVShows(List<VideoType.DetailsTVShow> tvShows, ContentResolver contentResolver) {
ContentValues tvshowsValuesBatch[] = new ContentValues[tvShows.size()];
int castCount = 0;
// Iterate on each show
for (int i = 0; i < tvShows.size(); i++) {
VideoType.DetailsTVShow tvshow = tvShows.get(i);
tvshowsValuesBatch[i] = SyncUtils.contentValuesFromTVShow(hostId, tvshow);
castCount += tvshow.cast.size();
// Insert the tvshows
contentResolver.bulkInsert(MediaContract.TVShows.CONTENT_URI, tvshowsValuesBatch);
LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Inserted " + tvShows.size() + " tv shows.");
ContentValues tvshowsCastValuesBatch[] = new ContentValues[castCount];
int count = 0;
// Iterate on each show/cast
for (VideoType.DetailsTVShow tvshow : tvShows) {
for (VideoType.Cast cast : tvshow.cast) {
tvshowsCastValuesBatch[count] = SyncUtils.contentValuesFromCast(hostId, cast);
tvshowsCastValuesBatch[count].put(MediaContract.TVShowCastColumns.TVSHOWID, tvshow.tvshowid);
// Insert the cast list for this movie
contentResolver.bulkInsert(MediaContract.TVShowCast.CONTENT_URI, tvshowsCastValuesBatch);
public void insertSeason(int tvshowId, List<VideoType.DetailsSeason> result, ContentResolver contentResolver) {
ContentValues seasonsValuesBatch[] = new ContentValues[result.size()];
int totalWatchedEpisodes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
VideoType.DetailsSeason season = result.get(i);
seasonsValuesBatch[i] = SyncUtils.contentValuesFromSeason(hostId, season);
totalWatchedEpisodes += season.watchedepisodes;
// Insert the seasons
contentResolver.bulkInsert(MediaContract.Seasons.CONTENT_URI, seasonsValuesBatch);
if (getSyncType().equals(LibrarySyncService.SYNC_SINGLE_TVSHOW)) {
// HACK: Update watched episodes count for the tvshow with the sum
// of watched episodes from seasons, given that the value that we
// got from XBMC from the call to GetTVShowDetails is wrong (note
// that the value returned from GetTVShows is correct).
Uri uri = MediaContract.TVShows.buildTVShowUri(hostId, tvshowId);
ContentValues tvshowUpdate = new ContentValues(1);
tvshowUpdate.put(MediaContract.TVShowsColumns.WATCHEDEPISODES, totalWatchedEpisodes);
contentResolver.update(uri, tvshowUpdate, null, null);
public void insertEpisodes(List<VideoType.DetailsEpisode> episodes, ContentResolver contentResolver) {
ContentValues episodesValuesBatch[] = new ContentValues[episodes.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < episodes.size(); i++) {
VideoType.DetailsEpisode episode = episodes.get(i);
episodesValuesBatch[i] = SyncUtils.contentValuesFromEpisode(hostId, episode);
// Insert the episodes
contentResolver.bulkInsert(MediaContract.Episodes.CONTENT_URI, episodesValuesBatch);