/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Team XBMC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.xbmc.kore.eventclient; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.DatagramPacket; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.InetAddress; /** * XBMC Event Client Class *

* Implementation of XBMC's UDP based input system. * A set of classes that abstract the various packets that the event server * currently supports. In addition, there's also a class, XBMCClient, that * provides functions that sends the various packets. Use XBMCClient if you * don't need complete control over packet structure. *


* The basic workflow involves: *

  1. Send a HELO packet
  2. *
  3. Send x number of valid packets
  4. *
  5. Send a BYE packet
  6. *


* IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TIMEOUTS: * A client is considered to be timed out if XBMC doesn't received a packet * at least once every 60 seconds. To "ping" XBMC with an empty packet use * PacketPING or XBMCClient.ping(). See the documentation for details. *


* Base class that implements a single event packet. * - Generic packet structure (maximum 1024 bytes per packet) * - Header is 32 bytes long, so 992 bytes available for payload * - large payloads can be split into multiple packets using H4 and H5 * H5 should contain total no. of packets in such a case * - H6 contains length of P1, which is limited to 992 bytes * - if H5 is 0 or 1, then H4 will be ignored (single packet msg) * - H7 must be set to zeros for now *

 *   -----------------------------
 *   | -H1 Signature ("XBMC")    | - 4  x CHAR                4B
 *   | -H2 Version (eg. 2.0)     | - 2  x UNSIGNED CHAR       2B
 *   | -H3 PacketType            | - 1  x UNSIGNED SHORT      2B
 *   | -H4 Sequence number       | - 1  x UNSIGNED LONG       4B
 *   | -H5 No. of packets in msg | - 1  x UNSIGNED LONG       4B
 *   | -H6 Payloadsize of packet | - 1  x UNSIGNED SHORT      2B
 *   | -H7 Client's unique token | - 1  x UNSIGNED LONG       4B
 *   | -H8 Reserved              | - 10 x UNSIGNED CHAR      10B
 *   |---------------------------|
 *   | -P1 payload               | -
 *   -----------------------------
* @author Stefan Agner * */ public abstract class Packet { private byte[] sig; private byte[] payload = new byte[0]; private byte minver; private byte majver; private short packettype; private final static short MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1024; private final static short HEADER_SIZE = 32; private final static short MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE; protected final static byte PT_HELO = 0x01; protected final static byte PT_BYE = 0x02; protected final static byte PT_BUTTON = 0x03; protected final static byte PT_MOUSE = 0x04; protected final static byte PT_PING = 0x05; protected final static byte PT_BROADCAST = 0x06; protected final static byte PT_NOTIFICATION = 0x07; protected final static byte PT_BLOB = 0x08; protected final static byte PT_LOG = 0x09; protected final static byte PT_ACTION = 0x0A; protected final static byte PT_DEBUG = (byte)0xFF; public final static byte ICON_NONE = 0x00; public final static byte ICON_JPEG = 0x01; public final static byte ICON_PNG = 0x02; public final static byte ICON_GIF = 0x03; private static int uid = (int)(Math.random()*Integer.MAX_VALUE); /** * This is an Abstract class and cannot be instanced. Please use one of the Packet implementation Classes * (PacketXXX). * * Implements an XBMC Event Client Packet. Type is to be specified at creation time, Payload can be added * with the various appendPayload methods. Packet can be sent through UDP-Socket with method "send". * @param packettype Type of Packet (PT_XXX) */ protected Packet(short packettype) { sig = new byte[] {'X', 'B', 'M', 'C' }; minver = 0; majver = 2; this.packettype = packettype; } /** * Appends a String to the payload (terminated with 0x00) * @param payload Payload as String */ protected void appendPayload(String payload) { byte[] payloadarr = payload.getBytes(); int oldpayloadsize = this.payload.length; byte[] oldpayload = this.payload; this.payload = new byte[oldpayloadsize+payloadarr.length+1]; // Create new Array with more place (+1 for string terminator) System.arraycopy(oldpayload, 0, this.payload, 0, oldpayloadsize); System.arraycopy(payloadarr, 0, this.payload, oldpayloadsize, payloadarr.length); } /** * Appends a single Byte to the payload * @param payload Payload */ protected void appendPayload(byte payload) { appendPayload(new byte[] { payload }); } /** * Appends a Byte-Array to the payload * @param payloadarr Payload */ protected void appendPayload(byte[] payloadarr) { int oldpayloadsize = this.payload.length; byte[] oldpayload = this.payload; this.payload = new byte[oldpayloadsize+payloadarr.length]; System.arraycopy(oldpayload, 0, this.payload, 0, oldpayloadsize); System.arraycopy(payloadarr, 0, this.payload, oldpayloadsize, payloadarr.length); } /** * Appends an integer to the payload * @param i Payload */ protected void appendPayload(int i) { appendPayload(intToByteArray(i)); } /** * Appends a short to the payload * @param s Payload */ protected void appendPayload(short s) { appendPayload(shortToByteArray(s)); } /** * Get Number of Packets which will be sent with current Payload... * @return Number of Packets */ public int getNumPackets() { return (int)((payload.length + (MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) / MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE); } /** * Get Header for a specific Packet in this sequence... * @param seq Current sequence number * @param maxseq Maximal sequence number * @param actpayloadsize Payloadsize of this packet * @return Byte-Array with Header information (currently 32-Byte long, see HEADER_SIZE) */ private byte[] getHeader(int seq, int maxseq, short actpayloadsize) { byte[] header = new byte[HEADER_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(sig, 0, header, 0, 4); header[4] = majver; header[5] = minver; byte[] packettypearr = shortToByteArray(this.packettype); System.arraycopy(packettypearr, 0, header, 6, 2); byte[] seqarr = intToByteArray(seq); System.arraycopy(seqarr, 0, header, 8, 4); byte[] maxseqarr = intToByteArray(maxseq); System.arraycopy(maxseqarr, 0, header, 12, 4); byte[] payloadsize = shortToByteArray(actpayloadsize); System.arraycopy(payloadsize, 0, header, 16, 2); byte[] uid = intToByteArray(Packet.uid); System.arraycopy(uid, 0, header, 18, 4); byte[] reserved = new byte[10]; System.arraycopy(reserved, 0, header, 22, 10); return header; } /** * Generates the whole UDP-Message with Header and Payload of a specific Packet in sequence * @param seq Current sequence number * @return Byte-Array with UDP-Message */ private byte[] getUDPMessage(int seq) { int maxseq = (int)((payload.length + (MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) / MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if(seq > maxseq) return null; short actpayloadsize; if(seq == maxseq) actpayloadsize = (short)(payload.length%MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE); else actpayloadsize = (short)MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE; byte[] pack = new byte[HEADER_SIZE+actpayloadsize]; System.arraycopy(getHeader(seq, maxseq, actpayloadsize), 0, pack, 0, HEADER_SIZE); System.arraycopy(payload, (seq-1)*MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, pack, HEADER_SIZE, actpayloadsize); return pack; } /** * Sends this packet to the EventServer * @param adr Address of the EventServer * @param port Port of the EventServer * @throws IOException */ public void send(InetAddress adr, int port) throws IOException { int maxseq = getNumPackets(); DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket(); // For each Packet in Sequence... for(int seq=1;seq<=maxseq;seq++) { // Get Message and send them... byte[] pack = getUDPMessage(seq); DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(pack, pack.length); p.setAddress(adr); p.setPort(port); s.send(p); } } /** * Helper Method to convert an integer to a Byte array * @param value * @return Byte-Array */ private static final byte[] intToByteArray(int value) { return new byte[] { (byte)(value >>> 24), (byte)(value >>> 16), (byte)(value >>> 8), (byte)value}; } /** * Helper Method to convert an short to a Byte array * @param value * @return Byte-Array */ private static final byte[] shortToByteArray(short value) { return new byte[] { (byte)(value >>> 8), (byte)value}; } }