/* * Copyright 2015 Synced Synapse. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.xbmc.kore.ui.sections.audio; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; import android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat; import android.support.v7.widget.SearchView; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.CursorAdapter; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.PopupMenu; import android.widget.TextView; import org.xbmc.kore.R; import org.xbmc.kore.host.HostInfo; import org.xbmc.kore.host.HostManager; import org.xbmc.kore.jsonrpc.type.PlaylistType; import org.xbmc.kore.provider.MediaContract; import org.xbmc.kore.provider.MediaDatabase; import org.xbmc.kore.provider.MediaProvider; import org.xbmc.kore.service.library.LibrarySyncService; import org.xbmc.kore.ui.AbstractCursorListFragment; import org.xbmc.kore.utils.FileDownloadHelper; import org.xbmc.kore.utils.LogUtils; import org.xbmc.kore.utils.MediaPlayerUtils; import org.xbmc.kore.utils.UIUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Fragment that presents the songs list */ public class SongsListFragment extends AbstractCursorListFragment { private static final String TAG = LogUtils.makeLogTag(SongsListFragment.class); public static final String BUNDLE_KEY_ARTISTID = "artistid"; public static final String BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMID = "albumid"; public static final String BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMTITLE = "albumtitle"; private int artistId = -1; private int albumId = -1; private String albumTitle = ""; private Handler callbackHandler = new Handler(); /** * Use this to display all songs for a specific artist * @param artistId */ public void setArtist(int artistId) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt(BUNDLE_KEY_ARTISTID, artistId); setArguments(args); } /** * Use this to display all songs for a specific album * @param albumId */ public void setAlbum(int albumId, String albumTitle) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt(BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMID, albumId); args.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMTITLE, albumTitle); setArguments(args); } @Override protected String getListSyncType() { return LibrarySyncService.SYNC_ALL_MUSIC; } @Override protected CursorAdapter createAdapter() { if (albumId != -1 ) { return new AlbumSongsAdapter(getActivity()); } else { return new SongsAdapter(getActivity()); } } @Override protected void onListItemClicked(View view) { ImageView contextMenu = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.list_context_menu); showPopupMenu(contextMenu); } @Override protected CursorLoader createCursorLoader() { Uri uri; HostInfo hostInfo = HostManager.getInstance(getActivity()).getHostInfo(); int hostId = hostInfo != null ? hostInfo.getId() : -1; if (artistId != -1) { // get songs for artist uri = MediaContract.Songs.buildArtistSongsListUri(hostId, artistId); } else if (albumId != -1) { uri = MediaContract.Songs.buildAlbumSongsListUri(hostId, albumId); } else { // get all songs uri = MediaContract.Songs.buildSongsListUri(hostId); } String selection = null; String selectionArgs[] = null; String searchFilter = getSearchFilter(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(searchFilter)) { selection = MediaDatabase.Tables.SONGS + "." + MediaContract.Songs.TITLE + " LIKE ?"; selectionArgs = new String[] {"%" + searchFilter + "%"}; } if (albumId != -1) { return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), uri, AlbumSongsListQuery.PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, AlbumSongsListQuery.SORT); } else { return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), uri, SongsListQuery.PROJECTION, selection, selectionArgs, SongsListQuery.SORT); } } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { setSupportsSearch(true); super.onAttach(activity); } @Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { Bundle arguments = getArguments(); if (arguments != null) { artistId = arguments.getInt(BUNDLE_KEY_ARTISTID, -1); albumId = arguments.getInt(BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMID, -1); albumTitle = arguments.getString(BUNDLE_KEY_ALBUMTITLE, ""); } super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { if (!isAdded()) { // HACK: Fix crash reported on Play Store. Why does this is necessary is beyond me super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater); return; } inflater.inflate(R.menu.media_search, menu); MenuItem searchItem = menu.findItem(R.id.action_search); SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem); searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(this); searchView.setQueryHint(getString(R.string.action_search_albums)); super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater); } /** * Album songs list query parameters. */ public interface SongsListQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_ID, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_TITLE, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_TRACK, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_DURATION, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_FILE, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_SONGID, MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_DISPLAYARTIST, MediaProvider.Qualified.ALBUMS_TITLE, MediaProvider.Qualified.ALBUMS_GENRE, MediaProvider.Qualified.ALBUMS_YEAR, MediaProvider.Qualified.ALBUMS_THUMBNAIL }; String SORT = MediaDatabase.sortCommonTokens(MediaProvider.Qualified.SONGS_TITLE) + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC"; int ID = 0; int TITLE = 1; int TRACK = 2; int DURATION = 3; int FILE = 4; int SONGID = 5; int SONGDISPLAYARTIST = 6; int ALBUMTITLE = 7; int GENRE = 8; int YEAR = 9; int THUMBNAIL = 10; } /** * Album songs list query parameters. */ public interface AlbumSongsListQuery { String[] PROJECTION = { BaseColumns._ID, MediaContract.Songs.TITLE, MediaContract.Songs.TRACK, MediaContract.Songs.DURATION, MediaContract.Songs.FILE, MediaContract.Songs.SONGID, MediaContract.Songs.DISPLAYARTIST, MediaContract.Songs.DISC }; String SORT = MediaContract.Songs.DISC + " ASC, " + MediaContract.Songs.TRACK + " ASC"; int ID = 0; int TITLE = 1; int TRACK = 2; int DURATION = 3; int FILE = 4; int SONGID = 5; int ARTIST = 6; int DISC = 7; } private class SongsAdapter extends CursorAdapter { private HostManager hostManager; private int artWidth, artHeight; public SongsAdapter(Context context) { super(context, null, false); this.hostManager = HostManager.getInstance(context); // Get the art dimensions // Use the same dimensions as in the details fragment, so that it hits Picasso's cache when // the user transitions to that fragment, avoiding another call and imediatelly showing the image Resources resources = context.getResources(); artWidth = resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.detail_poster_width_square); artHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.detail_poster_height_square); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(context) .inflate(R.layout.grid_item_song, parent, false); // Setup View holder pattern ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder(); viewHolder.title = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.title); viewHolder.details = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.details); viewHolder.art = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.art); viewHolder.artist = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.artist); viewHolder.songInfo = new FileDownloadHelper.SongInfo(); viewHolder.contextMenu = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.list_context_menu); view.setTag(viewHolder); return view; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { final ViewHolder viewHolder = (ViewHolder)view.getTag(); String title = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.TITLE); viewHolder.title.setText(title); String artist = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.SONGDISPLAYARTIST); viewHolder.artist.setText(artist); String albumTitle = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.ALBUMTITLE); int year = cursor.getInt(SongsListQuery.YEAR); if (year > 0) { setDetails(viewHolder.details, albumTitle, String.valueOf(year), cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.GENRE)); } else { setDetails(viewHolder.details, albumTitle, cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.GENRE)); } String thumbnail = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.THUMBNAIL); UIUtils.loadImageWithCharacterAvatar(context, hostManager, thumbnail, title, viewHolder.art, artWidth, artHeight); viewHolder.songInfo.artist = artist; viewHolder.songInfo.album = albumTitle; viewHolder.songInfo.songId = cursor.getInt(SongsListQuery.SONGID); viewHolder.songInfo.title = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.TITLE); viewHolder.songInfo.fileName = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.FILE); viewHolder.songInfo.track = cursor.getInt(SongsListQuery.TRACK); // For the popupmenu viewHolder.contextMenu.setTag(viewHolder); viewHolder.contextMenu.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { showPopupMenu(v); } }); } } private class AlbumSongsAdapter extends CursorAdapter { public AlbumSongsAdapter(Context context) { super(context, null, false); } @Override public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup viewGroup) { View view = LayoutInflater.from(context) .inflate(R.layout.list_item_song, viewGroup, false); // Setup View holder pattern ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder(); viewHolder.trackNumber = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.track_number); viewHolder.title = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.song_title); viewHolder.details = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.details); viewHolder.contextMenu = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.list_context_menu); viewHolder.songInfo = new FileDownloadHelper.SongInfo(); view.setTag(viewHolder); return view; } @Override public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { String artist = cursor.getString(AlbumSongsListQuery.ARTIST); ViewHolder vh = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); vh.title.setText(cursor.getString(AlbumSongsListQuery.TITLE)); vh.songInfo.artist = artist; vh.songInfo.album = albumTitle; vh.songInfo.songId = cursor.getInt(SongsListQuery.SONGID); vh.songInfo.title = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.TITLE); vh.songInfo.fileName = cursor.getString(SongsListQuery.FILE); vh.songInfo.track = cursor.getInt(SongsListQuery.TRACK); vh.trackNumber.setText(String.valueOf(vh.songInfo.track)); String duration = UIUtils.formatTime(cursor.getInt(AlbumSongsListQuery.DURATION)); String detailsText = TextUtils.isEmpty(artist) ? duration : duration + " | " + artist; vh.details.setText(detailsText); vh.contextMenu.setTag(vh); vh.contextMenu.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { showPopupMenu(v); } }); } } /** * View holder pattern */ public static class ViewHolder { ImageView art; TextView title; TextView details; TextView artist; TextView trackNumber; ImageView contextMenu; FileDownloadHelper.SongInfo songInfo; } private void showPopupMenu(View v) { final ViewHolder viewHolder = (ViewHolder) v.getTag(); final PlaylistType.Item playListItem = new PlaylistType.Item(); playListItem.songid = viewHolder.songInfo.songId; final PopupMenu popupMenu = new PopupMenu(getActivity(), v); popupMenu.getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.song_item, popupMenu.getMenu()); popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case R.id.action_play_song: MediaPlayerUtils.play(SongsListFragment.this, playListItem); return true; case R.id.action_add_to_playlist: MediaPlayerUtils.queue(SongsListFragment.this, playListItem, PlaylistType.GetPlaylistsReturnType.AUDIO); return true; case R.id.download: ArrayList songInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); songInfoList.add(viewHolder.songInfo); UIUtils.downloadSongs(getActivity(), songInfoList, HostManager.getInstance(getActivity()).getHostInfo(), callbackHandler); } return false; } }); popupMenu.show(); } private void setDetails(TextView textView, String... elements) { if ((elements == null) || (elements.length < 1)) { return; } ArrayList details = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(elements[i])) details.add(elements[i]); } textView.setText(TextUtils.join(" | ", details.toArray())); } }