/* * Copyright 2016 Martijn Brekhof. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.xbmc.kore.tests.ui.music; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import androidx.test.espresso.Espresso; import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4; import androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.xbmc.kore.R; import org.xbmc.kore.testhelpers.EspressoTestUtils; import org.xbmc.kore.testhelpers.LoaderIdlingResource; import org.xbmc.kore.tests.ui.AbstractTestClass; import org.xbmc.kore.ui.sections.audio.MusicActivity; import static org.xbmc.kore.testhelpers.EspressoTestUtils.clickAlbumsTab; import static org.xbmc.kore.testhelpers.EspressoTestUtils.clickArtistsTab; @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class RestoreSearchQueryViewPagerTest extends AbstractTestClass { private final String ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY = "Ben"; private final int ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE = 2; private final String ARTIST_MATCHING_SEARCH_QUERY = "Ben E. King"; private final String ALBUMS_SEARCH_QUERY = "tes"; private final int ALBUM_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE = 3; private final int ARTIST_COMPLETE_LIST_SIZE = 229; private final int ALBUM_COMPLETE_LIST_SIZE = 235; private LoaderIdlingResource loaderIdlingResource; @Rule public ActivityTestRule mActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>( MusicActivity.class); @Override protected ActivityTestRule getActivityTestRule() { return mActivityRule; } @Override protected void setSharedPreferences(Context context) { } /** * Simple test that checks if search query results in expected item(s) * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Result: search query entered at 1. should show in search field and list should match search query */ @Test public void simpleSearchTest() { EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(mActivityRule.getActivity(), ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Simple test that checks if search query is restored after device rotate * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Rotate device * 3. Result: search query entered at 1. should show in search field and list should match search query */ @Test public void simpleRotateTest() { EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(mActivityRule.getActivity(), ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.rotateDevice(mActivityRule.getActivity()); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Test if search query is restored when user returns to list fragment from * detail fragment * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Click on list item * 3. Press back * 4. Result: search query entered at 1. should be restored in search field */ @Test public void searchClickBackTest() { EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(mActivityRule.getActivity(), ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.clickRecyclerViewItem(ARTIST_MATCHING_SEARCH_QUERY, R.id.list); Espresso.pressBack(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Test if search query is restored when user returns to list fragment from * detail fragment when device is rotated while on detail fragment * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Click on list item * 3. Rotate device * 4. Press back * 5. Result: search query entered at 1. should be restored in search field */ @Test public void searchClickRotateBackTest() { EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(mActivityRule.getActivity(), ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.clickRecyclerViewItem(ARTIST_MATCHING_SEARCH_QUERY, R.id.list); EspressoTestUtils.rotateDevice(mActivityRule.getActivity()); Espresso.pressBack(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Test if search query is cleared when switching to * different tab in the TabAdapter * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Switch to Albums tab * 3. Result: search query should be cleared */ @Test public void searchSwitchTabTest() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.clickMenuItem(activity, activity.getString(R.string.action_search), R.id.action_search); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(""); } /** * Tests if search query is still cleared when * device is rotated after switching to a different tab * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Switch to Albums tab * 3. Rotate device * 4. Open search menu item * 5. Result: search query should be cleared */ @Test public void searchSwitchTabRotateTest() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.rotateDevice(activity); EspressoTestUtils.clickMenuItem(activity, activity.getString(R.string.action_search), R.id.action_search); Espresso.closeSoftKeyboard(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(""); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery("", ALBUM_COMPLETE_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Tests if search query is restored when returning * to the original tab * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Switch to Albums tab * 3. Switch to Artists tab * 4. Result: search query entered at 1. should show in search field and list should match search query */ @Test public void searchSwitchTabReturnTest() { EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(mActivityRule.getActivity(), ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Tests if search query is restored when returning * to the original tab after switching to a different * tab and rotating the device * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Switch to Albums tab * 3. Rotate device * 4. Switch to Artists tab * 5. Result: search query entered at 1. should show in search field and list should match search query */ @Test public void searchSwitchTabRotateReturnTest() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.rotateDevice(activity); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Tests if search query is still cleared when user clears a previous * search query and switches to a different tab and returns to the * original tab * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Clear search query * 3. Switch to Albums tab * 4. Switch to Artists tab * 5. Click search menu item * 6. Result: search query should be cleared and list should contain all items */ @Test public void searchClearSwitchTabSwitchBack() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.clearSearchQuery(activity); clickAlbumsTab(); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.clickMenuItem(activity, activity.getString(R.string.action_search), R.id.action_search); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(""); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery("", ARTIST_COMPLETE_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Same test as {@link #searchClearSwitchTabSwitchBack()} but this time clearing performed using X button * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query * 2. Clear search query * 3. Switch to Albums tab * 4. Switch to Artists tab * 5. Click search menu item using X button * 6. Result: search query should be cleared and list should contain all items */ @Test public void searchSwitchTabSwitchBackClearUsingXButtonSwitchTabSwitchBack() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.clearSearchQueryXButton(activity); clickAlbumsTab(); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.checkSearchMenuCollapsed(); EspressoTestUtils.clickMenuItem(activity, activity.getString(R.string.action_search), R.id.action_search); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(""); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery("", ARTIST_COMPLETE_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } /** * Tests if search queries for separate tabs are restored correctly * * UI interaction flow tested: * 1. Enter search query artists tab * 2. Enter search query albums tab * 3. Switch to Artists tab * 4. Result: search query entered at 1. should show in search field and list should match search query * 5. Switch to Albums tab * 6. Result: search query entered at 2. should show in search field and list should match search query */ @Test public void searchArtistsSearchAlbumsSwitchArtists() { Activity activity = mActivityRule.getActivity(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); clickAlbumsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.enterSearchQuery(activity, ALBUMS_SEARCH_QUERY); clickArtistsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY, ARTIST_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); clickAlbumsTab(); EspressoTestUtils.checkTextInSearchQuery(ALBUMS_SEARCH_QUERY); EspressoTestUtils.checkListMatchesSearchQuery(ALBUMS_SEARCH_QUERY, ALBUM_SEARCH_QUERY_LIST_SIZE, R.id.list); } }