@startuml interface SharedElement { Required for all fragments that support shared element transitions + boolean isSharedElementVisible() } class DataHolder { Holds required data used by info and details fragments + DataHolder(Bundle bundle) + DataHolder(int itemId) + void setBundle(Bundle bundle) + void setPosterTransitionName(String posterTransitionName) + void setSquarePoster(boolean squarePoster) + void setRating(double rating) + void setMaxRating(int maxRating) + void setVotes(int votes) + void setPosterUrl(String posterUrl) + void setTitle(String title) + void setUndertitle(String underTitle) + void setDescription(String description) + void setDetails(String details) + void setFanArtUrl(String fanArtUrl) + void setId(int id) + String getPosterTransitionName() + boolean getSquarePoster() + double getRating() + int getMaxRating() + int getVotes() + String getPosterUrl() + String getTitle() + String getUnderTitle() + String getDescription() + String getDetails() + String getFanArtUrl() + int getId() + Bundle getBundle() } abstract class AbstractFragment { Holds the dataholder to provide quick access to required data in info and detail fragments. This is required to provide a smooth and responsive UX, especially when using shared element transitions. + void setDataHolder(AbstractInfoFragment.DataHolder dataHolder) + AbstractInfoFragment.DataHolder getDataHolder() } abstract class AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment { Defines mandatory methods for fragments that can be added to information fragments + abstract void refresh() } abstract class AbstractInfoFragment { Defines a common UI for information fragments. Concrete implementations of this class should ideally only provide the data, while the AbstractInfoFragment contains the logic to present the UI and react to user input. -- Implements -- + boolean isSharedElementVisible() -- Generic -- Allows concrete fragment to get certain data or update the UI -- # void refreshAdditionInfoFragment() # HostManager getHostManager() # HostInfo getHostInfo() # void updateView(DataHolder dataHolder) # RefreshItem getRefreshItem() # void setExpandDescription(boolean expandDescription) -- Media action bar -- Adding a listener in a concrete fragment will add the corresponding button to the UI -- # void setOnDownloadListener(final View.OnClickListener listener) # void setOnAddToPlaylistListener(View.OnClickListener listener) # void setOnGoToImdbListener(View.OnClickListener listener) # void setOnSeenListener(final View.OnClickListener listener) # void setOnPinClickedListener(final View.OnClickListener listener) # void setDownloadButtonState(boolean state) # void setSeenButtonState(boolean state) # void setPinButtonState(boolean state) -- Abstract methods -- Every concrete fragment is able to add additional info using an AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment. This will be placed below the generic info. Every concrete fragment should implement a refresh functionality. The method setupMediaActionBar() will be called when the media action bar buttons are available. This is where the concrete fragment should call the setOn*Listeners to connect listeners to specific media action buttons. The method setupFAB(ImageButton FAB) will be called to allow adding a listener. It should return true to enable the FAB, false to disabled it. -- # {abstract} AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment getAdditionalInfoFragment() # {abstract} RefreshItem createRefreshItem() # {abstract} boolean setupMediaActionBar() # {abstract} boolean setupFAB(ImageButton FAB) } abstract class AbstractTabsFragment { Defines a common UI for fragments that want to use a viewpager and a scrollable tab bar. -- Implements -- + boolean isSharedElementVisible() -- # {abstract} TabsAdapter createTabsAdapter(AbstractInfoFragment.DataHolder dataHolder) } class ConcreteTabsFragment { The returned TabsAdapter should hold all required tabs # TabsAdapter createTabsAdapter(AbstractInfoFragment.DataHolder dataHolder) } class ConcreteInfoFragment { Should be able to provide the required information by updating the DataHolder. Use getDataHolder() to get the current DataHolder and update it. Use updateView(DataHolder) to force an update of the UI with the updated DataHolder. -- # AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment getAdditionalInfoFragment() # RefreshItem createRefreshItem() # boolean setupMediaActionBar() } class ConcreteAdditionalInfoFragment { # void refresh() } abstract class AbstractListFragment { # {abstract} AdapterView.OnItemClickListener createOnItemClickListener() # {abstract} BaseAdapter createAdapter() + void hideRefreshAnimation() + void showRefreshAnimation() + BaseAdapter getAdapter() + TextView getEmptyView() } abstract class AbstractCursorListFragment { # {abstract} void onListItemClicked(View view) # {abstract} CursorLoader createCursorLoader() # {abstract} String getListSyncType() # AdapterView.OnItemClickListener createOnItemClickListener() # String getSyncID() # int getSyncItemID() # void onRefresh() + void refreshList() + String getSearchFilter() + public void saveSearchState() + void onLoaderReset((Loader cursorLoader)) } class ConcreteCursorListFragment { # void onListItemClicked(View view) # CursorLoader createCursorLoader() # String getListSyncType() # BaseAdapter createAdapter() } class ConcreteListFragment { # AdapterView.OnItemClickListener createOnItemClickListener() # BaseAdapter createAdapter() # void onRefresh() } Fragment <|-- AbstractFragment AbstractFragment <|-- AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment AbstractFragment *--- DataHolder AbstractFragment <|-- AbstractTabsFragment AbstractFragment <|-- AbstractInfoFragment SharedElement <|.. AbstractInfoFragment SharedElement <|.. AbstractTabsFragment AbstractTabsFragment <|-- ConcreteTabsFragment AbstractInfoFragment <|-- ConcreteInfoFragment AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment <|-- ConcreteAdditionalInfoFragment Fragment <|-- AbstractListFragment AbstractListFragment <|-- AbstractCursorListFragment AbstractCursorListFragment <|-- ConcreteCursorListFragment AbstractListFragment <|-- ConcreteListFragment AbstractInfoFragment *--- AbstractAdditionalInfoFragment @enduml