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Only considered for plugins and scripts.", "name": "content" }, { "default": "all", "name": "enabled", "type": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "enums": [ "all" ], "type": "string" } ] }, { "$ref": "Addon.Fields", "name": "properties" }, { "$ref": "List.Limits", "name": "limits" } ], "returns": { "properties": { "addons": { "items": { "$ref": "Addon.Details" }, "type": "array" }, "limits": { "$ref": "List.LimitsReturned", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "Addons.SetAddonEnabled": { "description": "Enables/Disables a specific addon", "params": [ { "name": "addonid", "required": true, "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "Global.Toggle", "name": "enabled", "required": true } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Application.GetProperties": { "description": "Retrieves the values of the given properties", "params": [ { "items": { "$ref": "Application.Property.Name" }, "name": "properties", "required": true, "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true } ], "returns": { "$ref": "Application.Property.Value" }, "type": "method" }, "Application.Quit": { "description": "Quit application", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Application.SetMute": { "description": "Toggle mute/unmute", "params": [ { "$ref": "Global.Toggle", "name": "mute", "required": true } ], "returns": { "description": "Mute state", "type": "boolean" }, "type": "method" }, "Application.SetVolume": { "description": "Set the current volume", "params": [ { "name": "volume", "required": true, "type": [ { "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, { "$ref": "Global.IncrementDecrement" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "integer" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.Clean": { "description": "Cleans the audio library from non-existent items", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.Export": { "description": "Exports all items from the audio library", "params": [ { "name": "options", "type": [ { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "path": { "description": "Path to the directory to where the data should be exported", "minLength": 1, "required": true, "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "images": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to export thumbnails and fanart images", "type": "boolean" }, "overwrite": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to overwrite existing exported files", "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.GetAlbumDetails": { "description": "Retrieve details about a specific album", "params": [ { "$ref": "Library.Id", "name": "albumid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "Audio.Fields.Album", "name": "properties" } ], "returns": { "properties": { "albumdetails": { "$ref": "Audio.Details.Album" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.GetAlbums": { "description": "Retrieve all albums from specified artist or genre", "params": [ { "$ref": "Audio.Fields.Album", "name": "properties" }, { "$ref": "List.Limits", "name": "limits" }, { "$ref": "List.Sort", "name": "sort" }, { "name": "filter", "type": [ { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "genreid": { "$ref": "Library.Id", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "genre": { "minLength": 1, "required": true, "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "artistid": { "$ref": "Library.Id", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "artist": { "minLength": 1, "required": true, "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, { "$ref": "List.Filter.Albums" } ] } ], "returns": { "properties": { "albums": { "items": { "$ref": "Audio.Details.Album" }, "type": "array" }, "limits": { "$ref": "List.LimitsReturned", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.GetArtistDetails": { "description": "Retrieve details about a specific artist", "params": [ { "$ref": "Library.Id", "name": "artistid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "Audio.Fields.Artist", "name": "properties" } ], "returns": { "properties": { "artistdetails": { "$ref": "Audio.Details.Artist" } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "AudioLibrary.GetArtists": { "description": "Retrieve all artists", "params": [ { "$ref": "Optional.Boolean", "default": null, "description": "Whether or not to include artists only appearing in compilations. 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"params": [], "returns": { "items": { "properties": { "playerid": { "$ref": "Player.Id", "required": true }, "type": { "$ref": "Player.Type", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true }, "type": "method" }, "Player.GetItem": { "description": "Retrieves the currently played item", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "List.Fields.All", "name": "properties" } ], "returns": { "properties": { "item": { "$ref": "List.Item.All", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.GetProperties": { "description": "Retrieves the values of the given properties", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "items": { "$ref": "Player.Property.Name" }, "name": "properties", "required": true, "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true } ], "returns": { "$ref": "Player.Property.Value" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.GoTo": { "description": "Go to previous/next/specific item in the playlist", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "name": "to", "required": true, "type": [ { "enums": [ "previous", "next" ], "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "Playlist.Position", "description": "position in playlist" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.Move": { "description": "If picture is zoomed move viewport left/right/up/down otherwise skip previous/next", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "enums": [ "left", "right", "up", "down" ], "name": "direction", "required": true, "type": "string" } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.Open": { "description": "Start playback of either the playlist with the given ID, a slideshow with the pictures from the given directory or a single file or an item from the database.", "params": [ { "name": "item", "type": [ { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "playlistid": { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "required": true }, "position": { "$ref": "Playlist.Position", "default": 0 } }, "type": "object" }, { "$ref": "Playlist.Item" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "path": { "required": true, "type": "string" }, "random": { "default": true, "description": "Deprecated, use the shuffled property of the options parameter instead", "type": "boolean" }, "recursive": { "default": true, "type": "boolean" } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "partymode": { "default": "", "type": [ { "enums": [ "music", "video" ], "type": "string" }, { "description": "Path to a smartplaylist (*.xsp) file", "minLength": 5, "type": "string" } ] } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "channelid": { "$ref": "Library.Id", "required": true } }, "type": "object" } ] }, { "additionalProperties": false, "name": "options", "properties": { "repeat": { "default": null, "type": [ { "type": "null" }, { "$ref": 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"next" ], "type": "string" }, { "description": "Index of the audio stream to play", "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.SetPartymode": { "description": "Turn partymode on or off", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "Global.Toggle", "name": "partymode", "required": true } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.SetRepeat": { "description": "Set the repeat mode of the player", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "name": "repeat", "required": true, "type": [ { "$ref": "Player.Repeat" }, { "enums": [ "cycle" ], "type": "string" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.SetShuffle": { "description": "Shuffle/Unshuffle items in the player", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "Global.Toggle", "name": "shuffle", "required": true } ], 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"type": "method" }, "Player.Stop": { "description": "Stops playback", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Player.Zoom": { "description": "Zoom current picture", "params": [ { "$ref": "Player.Id", "name": "playerid", "required": true }, { "name": "zoom", "required": true, "type": [ { "enums": [ "in", "out" ], "type": "string" }, { "description": "zoom level", "maximum": 10, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" } ] } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.Add": { "description": "Add item(s) to playlist", "params": [ { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "name": "playlistid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "Playlist.Item", "name": "item", "required": true } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.Clear": { "description": "Clear playlist", "params": [ { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "name": "playlistid", "required": true } ], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.GetItems": { "description": "Get all items from playlist", "params": [ { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "name": "playlistid", "required": true }, { "$ref": "List.Fields.All", "name": "properties" }, { "$ref": "List.Limits", "name": "limits" }, { "$ref": "List.Sort", "name": "sort" } ], "returns": { "properties": { "items": { "items": { "$ref": "List.Item.All" }, "required": true, "type": "array" }, "limits": { "$ref": "List.LimitsReturned", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.GetPlaylists": { "description": "Returns all existing playlists", "params": [], "returns": { "items": { "properties": { "playlistid": { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "required": true }, "type": { "$ref": "Playlist.Type", "required": true } }, "type": "object" }, "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.GetProperties": { "description": "Retrieves the values of the given properties", "params": [ { "$ref": "Playlist.Id", "name": "playlistid", "required": true }, { "items": { "$ref": "Playlist.Property.Name" }, "name": "properties", "required": true, "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true } ], "returns": { "$ref": "Playlist.Property.Value" }, "type": "method" }, "Playlist.Insert": { "description": "Insert item(s) into playlist. 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the system running XBMC", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "System.Shutdown": { "description": "Shuts the system running XBMC down", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "System.Suspend": { "description": "Suspends the system running XBMC", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "VideoLibrary.Clean": { "description": "Cleans the video library from non-existent items", "params": [], "returns": { "type": "string" }, "type": "method" }, "VideoLibrary.Export": { "description": "Exports all items from the video library", "params": [ { "name": "options", "type": [ { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "path": { "description": "Path to the directory to where the data should be exported", "minLength": 1, "required": true, "type": "string" } }, "type": "object" }, { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "actorthumbs": { "default": false, "description": "Whether to export actor 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