WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE:-$( cd $(dirname $0)/../.. ; pwd -P )} $RUN_SIGNSTEP function getBranchName () { local branchName branchName=`git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo detached` if [ "$branchName" != "detached" ] # if we are not detached then #we are attached - use the branchname then if echo $branchName | grep pr 2>&1 > /dev/null then #if this is a pull request branch - fetch the pr number and prefix with "PR" #refs/heads/number/head echo PR$(echo $branchName | awk '{gsub(".*/pr/","");print $1}' | awk '{gsub("/.*","");print $1}') else #if we are on a normal branch - fetch branchname #refs/heads/branchname echo $branchName | awk '{gsub(".*/","");print $1}' fi else #if we are in detached head state #fetch the first non-pullrequest branch we can find with HEAD #also only grep in remotes that match current GITHUB_REPO git branch -r --contains HEAD | sed "/origin\/pr\//d" | grep $GITHUB_REPO | head -n1 | awk '{gsub(".*/","");print $1}' fi } function getBuildRevDateStr () { local revStr #fetch date-rev revStr=`git --no-pager log --abbrev=7 -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h %ci" HEAD | awk '{gsub("-", "");print $2"-"$1}' 2>/dev/null` if [ "$?" == "0" ] then #fetch the first branch containing head revStr=$revStr"-"$(getBranchName) if [ "$?" == "0" ] then echo $revStr else echo "Unknown" fi else echo "Unknown" fi } #rename for upload #e.x. kore-20130314-8c2fb31.apk. UPLOAD_FILENAME="kore-$(getBuildRevDateStr).apk" cd $WORKSPACE;mv *.apk $UPLOAD_FILENAME