[Application] name=IFPass version=2.2 entry_point=IFPass:main icon=IF.ico console=true license_file=LICENSE [Python] version=3.7.1 bitness=64 [Include] # Packages from PyPI that your application requires, one per line # These must have wheels on PyPI: pypi_wheels=code128==0.3 colorama==0.4.1 pyfiglet==0.8.post1 numpy==1.16.1 opencv-python== Pillow==5.4.1 pywin32==224 six==1.12.0 setuptools==40.7.3 # Must check if future updates of the following packages provide .whl files # pywinauto needs to be downloaded manually and edit setup to match platform=win32 # Packages without wheels (Must be installed locally): packages=PyPDF2 pywinauto termcolor # Other files and folders that should be installed files = LICENSE Templates # This optional section adds a command which can be run from the Windows # command prompt. [Command IFPass] entry_point=IFPass:main [Build] directory=build/x64 installer_name=${PRODUCT_NAME}_${PRODUCT_VERSION}-x64.exe # Custom Installer : # Added Desktop shortcut, modified working directory, modified default install and utf-8... nsi_template=Installer_Template.nsi